Monday, April 5, 2010

Charlie + Daisy = ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO!

Sorry, was watching Lincoln commercial  (-__-|||

The tittle SHOULD say Charlie + Daisy = Charlie having a psychotic breakdown.   \(o_@)/
What is this freak talking about?

Charlie (Left) Daisy (Right)
Daisy would just so happen to be Charlies stalker.
Charlie is psychotic.
Daisy wears goggles.
They are one messed up pair.
So, it's perfect right?   '(^o^)'

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Free Food? I'M NOT SOME CHARITY CASE! ..but I'll except it anyway.

I don't have to cook once this weekend! Woooo~ Victory!    \(^o^)/

The reason? It's Easter weekend!   ~(*_______*)~

Friday: Went to my Grans house and had dinner with some of my family~
Saturday: Going to a friends family dinner because my family is friends with their family~
Sunday: Lunch at my aunts house with more of my family and dinner at my mothers house with Oma~
Monday: Leftovers~!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Cut You, Bitch.

So today's boredom lead me to cut my bangs     !(^o^)!
It looks terrible.     (._.u)
But I will still rock this look!      '(^o^)'

Lately my roots have been showing up, they're so blonde! I dyed my hair black, and instead of re-dying it black, I've been thinking about maybe going for a colour change!    ~(>o<)~
I can't decide between sort of a strawberry red with black streaks, or just really bright purple hair! Such a difficult thing to choose between! So, if anyone actually does read my blog, comment your suggestion?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

If I leave, I Will Go Insane!

Today I have decided to skip school o~(^o^)~o  Oh noes!

The reason? I hate it. My classes suck, everything else sucks. Not to mention I have to do a science lab today! Every pair had to create their own lab and then switch with the class and do each others labs. SHITTY.

But, since the labs took to long to do, half the class did theirs yesterday, which means that the people I switched with did the lab we created yesterday, and today we would have to do their lab today, and since my lab partner pisses me off, I didn't go today! Muahahaha!  '(*___*)'

I hope she fails. Since we don't have to make a lab report this time, and all our marks come from the labs we had to create, it doesn't matter if I miss this lab, because I'd still get marks from the lab we created!

I really hope all that made sense? Nyahaha    ~(o///o)~

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hello Creatures of Earth.

Hellooo! I am Lisa-chan! I'm extremely random and rather stupid, so don't expect much. o(^_~)o I created this blog just to write about random stuff! So it could be stuff that happened, or I want to happen, or just something so random that you can't believe it! Well, shall I get started?   '(^.^)'

Today I have began the most fearful thing EVER. Yes, I have started to diet! I found some site that has this challenge that claims you can lose 15 pounds in 12 weeks was it? Maybe 11... Either way! It's going to be a LOOOOONG 11 or 12 weeks, I hate dieting, and that is why I have gotten so pudgy. (Y__Y) So in this challenge, there is a series of mini-challenges that you are supposed to do each week and then keep doing week after week after week, strange right? But, since I'm desperate to lose weight (15 pounds SHOULD be enough to keep me sane) this will be a very interesting experience..  ~(^o^)~

I really like using little faces, it's pretty clear that I use them a lot, so I hope that the people that read these (if anyone actually does, which I doubt anyone will..) actually know what they're supposed to be!    ~(o///o)~